SNAP Library 6.0, User Reference  2020-12-09 16:24:20
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Time-Names
3 bool TTmInfo::InitP=false;
10  // english
11  UsMonthNmV.Add("jan"); UsMonthNmV.Add("feb"); UsMonthNmV.Add("mar");
12  UsMonthNmV.Add("apr"); UsMonthNmV.Add("may"); UsMonthNmV.Add("jun");
13  UsMonthNmV.Add("jul"); UsMonthNmV.Add("aug"); UsMonthNmV.Add("sep");
14  UsMonthNmV.Add("oct"); UsMonthNmV.Add("nov"); UsMonthNmV.Add("dec");
15  IAssert(UsMonthNmV.Len()==12);
16  // slovene
17  SiMonthNmV.Add("jan"); SiMonthNmV.Add("feb"); SiMonthNmV.Add("mar");
18  SiMonthNmV.Add("apr"); SiMonthNmV.Add("maj"); SiMonthNmV.Add("jun");
19  SiMonthNmV.Add("jul"); SiMonthNmV.Add("avg"); SiMonthNmV.Add("sep");
20  SiMonthNmV.Add("okt"); SiMonthNmV.Add("nov"); SiMonthNmV.Add("dec");
21  IAssert(SiMonthNmV.Len()==12);
22 }
25  // english
26  UsDayOfWeekNmV.Add("sun"); UsDayOfWeekNmV.Add("mon");
27  UsDayOfWeekNmV.Add("tue"); UsDayOfWeekNmV.Add("wed");
28  UsDayOfWeekNmV.Add("thu"); UsDayOfWeekNmV.Add("fri");
29  UsDayOfWeekNmV.Add("sat");
31  // slovene
32  SiDayOfWeekNmV.Add("ned"); SiDayOfWeekNmV.Add("pon");
33  SiDayOfWeekNmV.Add("tor"); SiDayOfWeekNmV.Add("sre");
34  SiDayOfWeekNmV.Add("cet"); SiDayOfWeekNmV.Add("pet");
35  SiDayOfWeekNmV.Add("sob");
37 }
39 int TTmInfo::GetMonthN(const TStr& MonthNm, const TLoc& Loc){
40  EnsureInit();
41  int MonthN=-1;
42  switch (Loc){
43  case lUs: MonthN=UsMonthNmV.SearchForw(MonthNm.GetLc()); break;
44  case lSi: MonthN=SiMonthNmV.SearchForw(MonthNm.GetLc()); break;
45  default: Fail;
46  }
47  if (MonthN==-1){return -1;} else {return MonthN+1;}
48 }
50 TStr TTmInfo::GetMonthNm(const int& MonthN, const TLoc& Loc){
51  EnsureInit();
52  IAssert((1<=MonthN)&&(MonthN<=12));
53  switch (Loc){
54  case lUs: return UsMonthNmV[MonthN-1];
55  case lSi: return SiMonthNmV[MonthN-1];
56  default: Fail; return TStr();
57  }
58 }
60 int TTmInfo::GetDayOfWeekN(const TStr& DayOfWeekNm, const TLoc& Loc){
61  EnsureInit();
62  int DayOfWeekN=-1;
63  switch (Loc){
64  case lUs: DayOfWeekN=UsDayOfWeekNmV.SearchForw(DayOfWeekNm.GetLc()); break;
65  case lSi: DayOfWeekN=SiDayOfWeekNmV.SearchForw(DayOfWeekNm.GetLc()); break;
66  default: Fail;
67  }
68  if (DayOfWeekN==-1){return -1;} else {return DayOfWeekN+1;}
69 }
71 TStr TTmInfo::GetDayOfWeekNm(const int& DayOfWeekN, const TLoc& Loc){
72  EnsureInit();
73  IAssert((1<=DayOfWeekN)&&(DayOfWeekN<=7));
74  switch (Loc){
75  case lUs: return UsDayOfWeekNmV[DayOfWeekN-1];
76  case lSi: return SiDayOfWeekNmV[DayOfWeekN-1];
77  default: Fail; return TStr();
78  }
79 }
81 TStr TTmInfo::GetHmFromMins(const int& Mins){
82  return TInt::GetStr(Mins/60, "%02d")+":"+TInt::GetStr(Mins%60, "%02d");
83 }
85 int TTmInfo::GetTmUnitSecs(const TTmUnit& TmUnit) {
86  switch(TmUnit) {
87  case tmuYear : return 365*24*3600;
88  case tmuMonth : return 31*24*3600;
89  case tmuWeek : return 7*24*3600;
90  case tmuDay : return 24*3600;
91  case tmu12Hour : return 12*3600;
92  case tmu6Hour : return 6*3600;
93  case tmu4Hour : return 4*3600;
94  case tmu2Hour : return 2*3600;
95  case tmu1Hour : return 1*3600;
96  case tmu30Min : return 30*60;
97  case tmu15Min : return 15*60;
98  case tmu10Min : return 10*60;
99  case tmu1Min : return 60;
100  case tmu1Sec : return 1;
101  case tmuNodes : Fail;
102  case tmuEdges : Fail;
103  default: Fail;
104  }
105  return -1;
106 }
109  switch(TmUnit) {
110  case tmuYear : return "Year";
111  case tmuMonth : return "Month";
112  case tmuWeek : return "Week";
113  case tmuDay : return "Day";
114  case tmu12Hour : return "12 Hours";
115  case tmu6Hour : return "6 Hours";
116  case tmu4Hour : return "4 Hours";
117  case tmu2Hour : return "2 Hours";
118  case tmu1Hour : return "1 Hour";
119  case tmu30Min : return "30 Minutes";
120  case tmu15Min : return "15 Minutes";
121  case tmu10Min : return "10 Minutes";
122  case tmu1Min : return "Minute";
123  case tmu1Sec : return "Second";
124  case tmuNodes : return "Nodes";
125  case tmuEdges : return "Edges";
126  default: Fail;
127  }
128  return TStr::GetNullStr();
129 }
132  if (TmZoneStr=="A"){/* Alpha Time Zone Military*/ return "+1000";}
133  if (TmZoneStr=="ACDT"){/* Australian Central Daylight Time Australia */ return "+1030";}
134  if (TmZoneStr=="ACST"){/* Australian Central Standard Time Australia */ return "+0930";}
135  if (TmZoneStr=="ADT"){/* Atlantic Daylight Time North America */ return "-0300";}
136  if (TmZoneStr=="AEDT"){/* Australian Eastern Daylight Time or Australian Eastern Summer Time Australia */ return "+1100";}
137  if (TmZoneStr=="AEST"){/* Australian Eastern Standard Time Australia */ return "+1000";}
138  if (TmZoneStr=="AKDT"){/* Alaska Daylight Time North America */ return "-0800";}
139  if (TmZoneStr=="AKST"){/* Alaska Standard Time North America */ return "-0900";}
140  if (TmZoneStr=="AST"){/* Atlantic Standard Time North America */ return "-0400";}
141  if (TmZoneStr=="AWDT"){/* Australian Western Daylight Time Australia */ return "+0900";}
142  if (TmZoneStr=="AWST"){/* Australian Western Standard Time Australia */ return "+0800";}
143  if (TmZoneStr=="B"){/* Bravo Time Zone Military */ return "+0200";}
144  if (TmZoneStr=="BST"){/* British Summer Time Europe */ return "+0100";}
145  if (TmZoneStr=="C"){/* Charlie Time Zone Military */ return "+0300";}
146  if (TmZoneStr=="CDT"){/* Central Daylight Time North America */ return "-0500";}
147  if (TmZoneStr=="CDT"){/* Central Daylight Time Australia */ return "+1030";}
148  if (TmZoneStr=="CEDT"){/* Central European Daylight Time Europe */ return "+0200";}
149  if (TmZoneStr=="CEST"){/* Central European Summer Time Europe */ return "+0200";}
150  if (TmZoneStr=="CET"){/* Central European Time Europe */ return "+0100";}
151  if (TmZoneStr=="CST"){/* Central Standard Time North America */ return "-0600";}
152  if (TmZoneStr=="CST"){/* Central Summer Time Australia */ return "+1030";}
153  if (TmZoneStr=="CST"){/* Central Standard Time Australia */ return "+0930";}
154  if (TmZoneStr=="CXT"){/* Christmas Island Time Australia */ return "+0700";}
155  if (TmZoneStr=="D"){/* Delta Time Zone Military */ return "+0400";}
156  if (TmZoneStr=="E"){/* Echo Time Zone Military */ return "+0500";}
157  if (TmZoneStr=="EDT"){/* Eastern Daylight Time North America */ return "-0400";}
158  if (TmZoneStr=="EDT"){/* Eastern Daylight Time Australia */ return "+1100";}
159  if (TmZoneStr=="EEDT"){/* Eastern European Daylight Time Europe */ return "+0300";}
160  if (TmZoneStr=="EEST"){/* Eastern European Summer Time Europe */ return "+0300";}
161  if (TmZoneStr=="EET"){/* Eastern European Time Europe */ return "+0200";}
162  if (TmZoneStr=="EST"){/* Eastern Standard Time North America */ return "-0500";}
163  if (TmZoneStr=="EST"){/* Eastern Summer Time Australia */ return "+1100";}
164  if (TmZoneStr=="EST"){/* Eastern Standard Time Australia */ return "+1000";}
165  if (TmZoneStr=="F"){/* Foxtrot Time Zone Military */ return "+0600";}
166  if (TmZoneStr=="G"){/* Golf Time Zone Military */ return "+0700";}
167  if (TmZoneStr=="GMT"){/* Greenwich Mean Time Europe */ return "+0000";}
168  if (TmZoneStr=="H"){/* Hotel Time Zone Military */ return "+0800";}
169  if (TmZoneStr=="HAA"){/* Heure Avancee de l'Atlantique North America */ return "-0300";}
170  if (TmZoneStr=="HAC"){/* Heure Avancee du Centre North America */ return "-0500";}
171  if (TmZoneStr=="HADT"){/* Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time North America */ return "-0900";}
172  if (TmZoneStr=="HAE"){/* Heure Avancee de l'Est North America */ return "-0400";}
173  if (TmZoneStr=="HAP"){/* Heure Avancee du Pacifique North America */ return "-0700";}
174  if (TmZoneStr=="HAR"){/* Heure Avancee des Rocheuses North America */ return "-0600";}
175  if (TmZoneStr=="HAST"){/* Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time North America */ return "-1000";}
176  if (TmZoneStr=="HAT"){/* Heure Avancee de Terre-Neuve North America */ return "-0230";}
177  if (TmZoneStr=="HAY"){/* Heure Avancee du Yukon North America */ return "-0800";}
178  if (TmZoneStr=="HNA"){/* Heure Normale de l'Atlantique North America */ return "-0400";}
179  if (TmZoneStr=="HNC"){/* Heure Normale du Centre North America */ return "-0600";}
180  if (TmZoneStr=="HNE"){/* Heure Normale de l'Est North America */ return "-0500";}
181  if (TmZoneStr=="HNP"){/* Heure Normale du Pacifique North America */ return "-0800";}
182  if (TmZoneStr=="HNR"){/* Heure Normale des Rocheuses North America */ return "-0700";}
183  if (TmZoneStr=="HNT"){/* Heure Normale de Terre-Neuve North America */ return "-0330";}
184  if (TmZoneStr=="HNY"){/* Heure Normale du Yukon North America */ return "-0900";}
185  if (TmZoneStr=="I"){/* India Time Zone Military */ return "+0900";}
186  if (TmZoneStr=="IST"){/* Irish Summer Time Europe */ return "+0100";}
187  if (TmZoneStr=="K"){/* Kilo Time Zone Military */ return "+1000";}
188  if (TmZoneStr=="L"){/* Lima Time Zone Military */ return "+1100";}
189  if (TmZoneStr=="M"){/* Mike Time Zone Military */ return "+1200";}
190  if (TmZoneStr=="MDT"){/* Mountain Daylight Time North America */ return "-0600";}
191  if (TmZoneStr=="MESZ"){/* Mitteleuropeische Sommerzeit Europe */ return "+0200";}
192  if (TmZoneStr=="MEZ"){/* Mitteleuropeische Zeit Europe */ return "+0100";}
193  if (TmZoneStr=="MSD"){/* Moscow Daylight Time Europe */ return "+0400";}
194  if (TmZoneStr=="MSK"){/* Moscow Standard Time Europe */ return "+0300";}
195  if (TmZoneStr=="MST"){/* Mountain Standard Time North America */ return "-0700";}
196  if (TmZoneStr=="N"){/* November Time Zone Military */ return "-0100";}
197  if (TmZoneStr=="NDT"){/* Newfoundland Daylight Time North America */ return "-0230";}
198  if (TmZoneStr=="NFT"){/* Norfolk (Island) Time Australia */ return "+ 11:30";}
199  if (TmZoneStr=="NST"){/* Newfoundland Standard Time North America */ return "-0330";}
200  if (TmZoneStr=="O"){/* Oscar Time Zone Military */ return "-0200";}
201  if (TmZoneStr=="P"){/* Papa Time Zone Military */ return "-0300";}
202  if (TmZoneStr=="PDT"){/* Pacific Daylight Time North America */ return "-0700";}
203  if (TmZoneStr=="PST"){/* Pacific Standard Time North America */ return "-0800";}
204  if (TmZoneStr=="Q"){/* Quebec Time Zone Military */ return "-0400";}
205  if (TmZoneStr=="R"){/* Romeo Time Zone Military */ return "-0500";}
206  if (TmZoneStr=="S"){/* Sierra Time Zone Military */ return "-0600";}
207  if (TmZoneStr=="T"){/* Tango Time Zone Military */ return "-0700";}
208  if (TmZoneStr=="U"){/* Uniform Time Zone Military */ return "-0800";}
209  if (TmZoneStr=="UTC"){/* Coordinated Universal Time Europe */ return "+0000";}
210  if (TmZoneStr=="V"){/* Victor Time Zone Military */ return "-0900";}
211  if (TmZoneStr=="W"){/* Whiskey Time Zone Military */ return "-1000";}
212  if (TmZoneStr=="WDT"){/* Western Daylight Time Australia */ return "+0900";}
213  if (TmZoneStr=="WEDT"){/* Western European Daylight Time Europe */ return "+0100";}
214  if (TmZoneStr=="WEST"){/* Western European Summer Time Europe */ return "+0100";}
215  if (TmZoneStr=="WET"){/* Western European Time Europe */ return "+0000";}
216  if (TmZoneStr=="WST"){/* Western Summer Time Australia */ return "+0900";}
217  if (TmZoneStr=="WST"){/* Western Standard Time Australia */ return "+0800";}
218  if (TmZoneStr=="X"){/* X-ray Time Zone Military */ return "-1100";}
219  if (TmZoneStr=="Y"){/* Yankee Time Zone Military */ return "-1200";}
220  if (TmZoneStr=="Z"){/* Zulu Time Zone Military */ return "+0000";}
221  return "-0000";
222 }
224 // day-of-week numbers
225 const int TTmInfo::SunN=1; const int TTmInfo::MonN=2;
226 const int TTmInfo::TueN=3; const int TTmInfo::WedN=4;
227 const int TTmInfo::ThuN=5; const int TTmInfo::FriN=6;
228 const int TTmInfo::SatN=7;
230 // month numbers
231 const int TTmInfo::JanN=1; const int TTmInfo::FebN=2;
232 const int TTmInfo::MarN=3; const int TTmInfo::AprN=4;
233 const int TTmInfo::MayN=5; const int TTmInfo::JunN=6;
234 const int TTmInfo::JulN=7; const int TTmInfo::AugN=8;
235 const int TTmInfo::SepN=9; const int TTmInfo::OctN=10;
236 const int TTmInfo::NovN=11; const int TTmInfo::DecN=12;
239 // Julian-Dates
241 /* public domain Julian Day Number functions
242 **
243 ** Based on formulae originally posted by
244 ** Tom Van Flandern / Washington, DC / [email protected]
245 ** in the UseNet newsgroup sci.astro.
246 ** Reposted 14 May 1991 in FidoNet C Echo conference by
247 ** Paul Schlyter (Stockholm)
248 ** Minor corrections, added JDN to julian, and recast into C by
249 ** Raymond Gardner Englewood, Colorado
250 **
251 ** Synopsis:
252 ** long ymd_to_jdn(int year, int month, int day, int julian_flag)
253 ** void jdn_to_ymd(long jdn, int *year, int *month, int *day,
254 ** int julian_flag)
255 ** year is negative if BC
256 ** if julian_flag is > 0, use Julian calendar
257 ** if julian_flag is == 0, use Gregorian calendar
258 ** if julian_flag is < 0, routines decide based on date
259 **
260 ** These routines convert Gregorian and Julian calendar dates to and
261 ** from Julian Day Numbers. Julian Day Numbers (JDN) are used by
262 ** astronomers as a date/time measure independent of calendars and
263 ** convenient for computing the elapsed time between dates. The JDN
264 ** for any date/time is the number of days (including fractional
265 ** days) elapsed since noon, 1 Jan 4713 BC. Julian Day Numbers were
266 ** originated by Joseph Scaliger in 1582 and named after his father
267 ** Julius, not after Julius Caesar. They are not related to the
268 ** Julian calendar.
269 **
270 ** For dates from 1 Jan 4713 BC thru 12 Dec Feb 32766 AD, ymd_to_jdn()
271 ** will give the JDN for noon on that date. jdn_to_ymd() will compute
272 ** the year, month, and day from the JDN. Years BC are given (and
273 ** returned) as negative numbers. Note that there is no year 0 BC;
274 ** the day before 1 Jan 1 AD is 31 Dec 1 BC. Note also that 1 BC,
275 ** 5 BC, etc. are leap years.
276 **
277 ** Pope Gregory XIII decreed that the Julian calendar would end on
278 ** 4 Oct 1582 AD and that the next day would be 15 Oct 1582 in the
279 ** Gregorian Calendar. The only other change is that centesimal
280 ** years (years ending in 00) would no longer be leap years
281 ** unless divisible by 400. Britain and its possessions and
282 ** colonies continued to use the Julian calendar up until 2 Sep
283 ** 1752, when the next day became 14 Sep 1752 in the Gregorian
284 ** Calendar. These routines can be compiled to use either
285 ** convention. By default, the British convention will be used.
286 ** Simply #define PAPAL to use Pope Gregory's convention.
287 **
288 ** Each routine takes, as its last argument, a flag to indicate
289 ** whether to use the Julian or Gregorian calendar convention. If
290 ** this flag is negative, the routines decide based on the date
291 ** itself, using the changeover date described in the preceding
292 ** paragraph. If the flag is zero, Gregorian conventions will be used,
293 ** and if the flag is positive, Julian conventions will be used.
294 */
296 // Pope Gregory XIII's decree
297 int TJulianDate::LastJulianDate=15821004; /* last day to use Julian calendar */
298 int TJulianDate::LastJulianDateN=2299160; /* jdn of same */
299 // British-American usage
300 //int TJulianDate::LastJulianDate=17520902; /* last day to use Julian calendar */
301 //int TJulianDate::LastJulianDateN=2361221; /* jdn of same */
303 int TJulianDate::GetJulianDateN(int d, int m, int y){
304  IAssert(y != 0);
305  int julian = -1;
306  long jdn;
308  if (julian < 0){ /* set Julian flag if auto set */
309  julian = (((y * 100L) + m) * 100 + d <= LastJulianDate);}
311  if (y < 0){ /* adjust BC year */
312  y++;}
314  if (julian){
315  jdn = 367L * y - 7 * (y + 5001L + (m - 9) / 7) / 4
316  + 275 * m / 9 + d + 1729777L;
317  } else {
318  jdn = (long)(d - 32076)
319  + 1461L * (y + 4800L + (m - 14) / 12) / 4
320  + 367 * (m - 2 - (m - 14) / 12 * 12) / 12
321  - 3 * ((y + 4900L + (m - 14) / 12) / 100) / 4
322  + 1; /* correction by rdg */
323  }
324  return (int) jdn;
325 }
327 void TJulianDate::GetCalendarDate(int jdn, int& dd, int& mm, int& yy){
328  int julian = -1;
330  long x, z, m, d, y;
331  long daysPer400Years = 146097L;
332  long fudgedDaysPer4000Years = 1460970L + 31;
334  if (julian < 0){ /* set Julian flag if auto set */
335  julian = (jdn <= LastJulianDateN);}
337  x = jdn + 68569L;
338  if (julian){
339  x+=38;
340  daysPer400Years = 146100L;
341  fudgedDaysPer4000Years = 1461000L + 1;
342  }
343  z = 4 * x / daysPer400Years;
344  x = x - (daysPer400Years * z + 3) / 4;
345  y = 4000 * (x + 1) / fudgedDaysPer4000Years;
346  x = x - 1461 * y / 4 + 31;
347  m = 80 * x / 2447;
348  d = x - 2447 * m / 80;
349  x = m / 11;
350  m = m + 2 - 12 * x;
351  y = 100 * (z - 49) + y + x;
353  yy = (int)y;
354  mm = (int)m;
355  dd = (int)d;
357  if (yy <= 0){ /* adjust BC years */
358  (yy)--;}
359 }
362 // Seconds-Time
363 bool TSecTm::GetTmSec(const int& YearN, const int& MonthN, const int& DayN, const int& HourN, const int& MinN, const int& SecN, uint& AbsSec) {
364  AbsSec = 0;
365  // tm_isdst:
366  // - Positive if daylight saving time is in effect;
367  // - 0 if daylight saving time is not in effect;
368  // - negative if status of daylight saving time is unknown.
369  // The C run-time library assumes the United States's rules for implementing
370  // the calculation of Daylight Saving Time (DST).
371  struct tm Tm;
372  Tm.tm_year=YearN-1900; Tm.tm_mon=MonthN-1; Tm.tm_mday=DayN;
373  Tm.tm_hour=HourN; Tm.tm_min=MinN; Tm.tm_sec=SecN;
374  Tm.tm_wday=1; Tm.tm_yday=1;
375  Tm.tm_isdst=-1;
376  return TSecTm::GetTmSec(Tm, AbsSec);
377 }
379 // implementation of mkgmtime (taken from the web)
380 time_t TSecTm::MkGmTime(struct tm *t) {
381  static const int m_to_d[12] = {0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334};
382  short month, year;
383  time_t result;
384  month = t->tm_mon;
385  year = t->tm_year + month / 12 + 1900;
386  month %= 12;
387  if (month < 0) {
388  year -= 1;
389  month += 12; }
390  result = (year - 1970) * 365 + (year - 1969) / 4 + m_to_d[month];
391  result = (year - 1970) * 365 + m_to_d[month];
392  if (month <= 1) { year -= 1; }
393  result += (year - 1968) / 4;
394  result -= (year - 1900) / 100;
395  result += (year - 1600) / 400;
396  result += t->tm_mday;
397  result -= 1;
398  result *= 24;
399  result += t->tm_hour;
400  result *= 60;
401  result += t->tm_min;
402  result *= 60;
403  result += t->tm_sec;
404  return result;
405 }
407 bool TSecTm::GetTmSec(struct tm& Tm, uint& AbsSec) {
408  const time_t GmtTime = MkGmTime(&Tm);
409  EAssertR(uint(GmtTime) < TUInt::Mx,
410  TStr::Fmt("Time out of range: %d/%d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d",
411  Tm.tm_year, Tm.tm_mon, Tm.tm_mday, Tm.tm_hour, Tm.tm_min, Tm.tm_sec).CStr());
412  AbsSec = uint(GmtTime);
413  return GmtTime >= 0;
414 }
416 bool TSecTm::GetTmStruct(const uint& AbsSec, struct tm& Tm) {
417  const time_t TimeT = time_t(AbsSec);
418  #if defined(GLib_MSC)
419  return _gmtime64_s(&Tm, &TimeT) == 0;
420  #elif defined(GLib_BCB)
421  Tm=*gmtime(&TimeT); return true;
422  #else
423  return gmtime_r(&TimeT, &Tm) != NULL;
424  #endif
425 }
427 TSecTm::TSecTm(const int& YearN, const int& MonthN, const int& DayN,
428  const int& HourN, const int& MinN, const int& SecN) : AbsSecs(TUInt::Mx){
429  GetTmSec(YearN, MonthN, DayN, HourN, MinN, SecN, AbsSecs.Val);
430 }
432 TSecTm::TSecTm(const TTm& Tm): AbsSecs(
433  TSecTm(Tm.GetYear(), Tm.GetMonth(), Tm.GetDay(), Tm.GetHour(),
434  Tm.GetMin(), Tm.GetSec()).GetAbsSecs()) { }
436 TSecTm::TSecTm(const PXmlTok& XmlTok) {
437  const int Year = XmlTok->GetIntArgVal("Year");
438  const int Month = XmlTok->GetIntArgVal("Month");
439  const int Day = XmlTok->GetIntArgVal("Day");
440  const int Hour = XmlTok->GetIntArgVal("Hour");
441  const int Min = XmlTok->GetIntArgVal("Min");
442  const int Sec = XmlTok->GetIntArgVal("Sec");
443  AbsSecs = TSecTm(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec).GetAbsSecs();
444 }
447  PXmlTok NodeTok = TXmlTok::New("NodeTime");
448  NodeTok->AddArg("Year", GetYearN());
449  NodeTok->AddArg("Month", GetMonthN());
450  NodeTok->AddArg("Day", GetDayN());
451  NodeTok->AddArg("Hour", GetHourN());
452  NodeTok->AddArg("Min", GetMinN());
453  NodeTok->AddArg("Sec", GetSecN());
454  return NodeTok;
455 }
457 TStr TSecTm::GetStr(const TLoc& Loc) const {
458  if (IsDef()) {
459  struct tm Tm;
460  IAssert(GetTmStruct(AbsSecs(), Tm));
461  // Wed May 14 15:30:17 2003
462  return TStr::Fmt("%s %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d %d",
463  TTmInfo::GetDayOfWeekNm(Tm.tm_wday + 1, Loc).CStr(),
464  TTmInfo::GetMonthNm(Tm.tm_mon + 1, Loc).CStr(),
465  Tm.tm_mday, Tm.tm_hour, Tm.tm_min, Tm.tm_sec, Tm.tm_year+1900);
466  } else {
467  return "Undef";
468  }
469 }
471 TStr TSecTm::GetStr(const TTmUnit& TmUnit) const {
472  if (TmUnit == tmuYear) {
473  return TInt::GetStr(GetYearN()); }
474  else if (TmUnit == tmuMonth) {
475  return TStr::Fmt("%04d-%02d", GetYearN(), GetMonthN()); }
476  else if (TmUnit == tmuDay) {
477  return TStr::Fmt("%04d-%02d-%02d", GetYearN(), GetMonthN(), GetDayN()); }
478  else {
479  return TStr::Fmt("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
480  GetYearN(), GetMonthN(), GetDayN(), GetHourN(), GetMinN(), GetSecN());
481  }
482 }
484 TStr TSecTm::GetDtStr(const TLoc& Loc) const {
485  if (IsDef()){
486  struct tm Tm;
487  IAssert(GetTmStruct(AbsSecs(), Tm));
488  return TStr::Fmt("%s %s %d %d",
489  TTmInfo::GetDayOfWeekNm(Tm.tm_wday + 1, Loc).CStr(),
490  TTmInfo::GetMonthNm(Tm.tm_mon + 1, Loc).CStr(), Tm.tm_year+1900);
491  } else {
492  return "Undef";
493  }
494 }
497  struct tm Tm;
498  IAssert(GetTmStruct(AbsSecs(), Tm));
499  return TStr::Fmt("%02d/%02d%/%04d", Tm.tm_mon+1, Tm.tm_mday, Tm.tm_year+1900);
500 }
503  struct tm Tm;
504  IAssert(GetTmStruct(AbsSecs(), Tm));
505  return TStr::Fmt("%04d-%02d-%02d", Tm.tm_year+1900, Tm.tm_mon+1, Tm.tm_mday);
506 }
509  struct tm Tm;
510  IAssert(GetTmStruct(AbsSecs(), Tm));
511  return TStr::Fmt("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", Tm.tm_year+1900, Tm.tm_mon+1, Tm.tm_mday, Tm.tm_hour, Tm.tm_min, Tm.tm_sec);
512 }
515  struct tm Tm;
516  IAssert(GetTmStruct(AbsSecs(), Tm));
517  return TStr::Fmt("%04d-%02d-%02d-%02d:%02d:%02d", Tm.tm_year+1900, Tm.tm_mon+1, Tm.tm_mday, Tm.tm_hour, Tm.tm_min, Tm.tm_sec);
518 }
521  if (IsDef()){
522  struct tm Tm;
523  IAssert(GetTmStruct(AbsSecs(), Tm));
524  return TStr::Fmt("%02d:%02d:%02d", Tm.tm_hour, Tm.tm_min, Tm.tm_sec);
525  } else {
526  return "Undef";
527  }
528 }
531  if (IsDef()){
532  struct tm Tm;
533  IAssert(GetTmStruct(AbsSecs(), Tm));
534  return TStr::Fmt("%02d:%02d", Tm.tm_min, Tm.tm_sec);
535  } else {
536  return "Undef";
537  }
538 }
541  return
542  TInt::GetStr(GetYearN(), "%04d")+"/"+
543  TInt::GetStr(GetMonthN(), "%02d")+"/"+
544  TInt::GetStr(GetDayN(), "%02d")+" "+
545  TInt::GetStr(GetHourN(), "%02d")+":"+
546  TInt::GetStr(GetMinN(), "%02d")+":"+
547  TInt::GetStr(GetSecN(), "%02d");
548 }
551  return
552  TInt::GetStr(GetYearN(), "%04d")+"-"+
553  TInt::GetStr(GetMonthN(), "%02d")+"-"+
554  TInt::GetStr(GetDayN(), "%02d")+"_"+
555  TInt::GetStr(GetHourN(), "%02d")+"-"+
556  TInt::GetStr(GetMinN(), "%02d")+"-"+
557  TInt::GetStr(GetSecN(), "%02d");
558 }
560 int TSecTm::GetYearN() const {
561  struct tm Tm;
562  IAssert(IsDef() && GetTmStruct(AbsSecs(), Tm));
563  return Tm.tm_year+1900;
564 }
566 int TSecTm::GetMonthN() const {
567  struct tm Tm;
568  IAssert(IsDef() && GetTmStruct(AbsSecs(), Tm));
569  return Tm.tm_mon+1;
570 }
572 TStr TSecTm::GetMonthNm(const TLoc& Loc) const {
573  struct tm Tm;
574  IAssert(IsDef() && GetTmStruct(AbsSecs(), Tm));
575  return TTmInfo::GetMonthNm(Tm.tm_mon+1, Loc);
576 }
578 int TSecTm::GetDayN() const {
579  struct tm Tm;
580  IAssert(IsDef() && GetTmStruct(AbsSecs(), Tm));
581  return Tm.tm_mday;
582 }
585  struct tm Tm;
586  IAssert(IsDef() && GetTmStruct(AbsSecs(), Tm));
587  return Tm.tm_wday + 1;
588 }
590 TStr TSecTm::GetDayOfWeekNm(const TLoc& Loc) const {
591  struct tm Tm;
592  IAssert(IsDef() && GetTmStruct(AbsSecs(), Tm));
593  return TTmInfo::GetDayOfWeekNm(Tm.tm_wday+1, Loc);
594 }
596 int TSecTm::GetHourN() const {
597  struct tm Tm;
598  IAssert(IsDef() && GetTmStruct(AbsSecs(), Tm));
599  return Tm.tm_hour;
600 }
602 int TSecTm::GetMinN() const {
603  struct tm Tm;
604  IAssert(IsDef() && GetTmStruct(AbsSecs(), Tm));
605  return Tm.tm_min;
606 }
608 int TSecTm::GetSecN() const {
609  struct tm Tm;
610  IAssert(IsDef() && GetTmStruct(AbsSecs(), Tm));
611  return Tm.tm_sec;
612 }
614 void TSecTm::GetComps(int& Year, int& Month, int& Day, int& Hour, int& Min, int& Sec) const {
615  struct tm Tm;
616  EAssert(IsDef() && GetTmStruct(AbsSecs(), Tm));
617  Year = Tm.tm_year+1900;
618  Month = Tm.tm_mon+1;
619  Day = Tm.tm_mday;
620  Hour = Tm.tm_hour;
621  Min = Tm.tm_min;
622  Sec = Tm.tm_sec;
623 }
625 TSecTm TSecTm::Round(const TTmUnit& TmUnit) const {
626  if (TmUnit == tmu1Sec) { return *this; }
627  struct tm Time;
628  IAssert(IsDef() && GetTmStruct(AbsSecs(), Time));
629  switch (TmUnit) {
630  case tmu1Min : return TSecTm(Time.tm_year+1900, Time.tm_mon+1, Time.tm_mday, Time.tm_hour, Time.tm_min, 0);
631  case tmu10Min : return TSecTm(Time.tm_year+1900, Time.tm_mon+1, Time.tm_mday, Time.tm_hour, 10*(Time.tm_min/10), 0);
632  case tmu15Min : return TSecTm(Time.tm_year+1900, Time.tm_mon+1, Time.tm_mday, Time.tm_hour, 15*(Time.tm_min/15), 0);
633  case tmu30Min : return TSecTm(Time.tm_year+1900, Time.tm_mon+1, Time.tm_mday, Time.tm_hour, 30*(Time.tm_min/30), 0);
634  case tmu1Hour : return TSecTm(Time.tm_year+1900, Time.tm_mon+1, Time.tm_mday, Time.tm_hour, 0, 0);
635  case tmu2Hour : return TSecTm(Time.tm_year+1900, Time.tm_mon+1, Time.tm_mday, 2*(Time.tm_hour/2), 0, 0);
636  case tmu4Hour : return TSecTm(Time.tm_year+1900, Time.tm_mon+1, Time.tm_mday, 4*(Time.tm_hour/4), 0, 0);
637  case tmu6Hour : return TSecTm(Time.tm_year+1900, Time.tm_mon+1, Time.tm_mday, 6*(Time.tm_hour/6), 0, 0);
638  case tmu12Hour : return TSecTm(Time.tm_year+1900, Time.tm_mon+1, Time.tm_mday, 12*(Time.tm_hour/12), 0, 0);
639  case tmuDay : return TSecTm(Time.tm_year+1900, Time.tm_mon+1, Time.tm_mday, 0, 0, 0);
640  case tmuMonth : return TSecTm(Time.tm_year+1900, Time.tm_mon+1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
641  case tmuYear : return TSecTm(Time.tm_year+1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
642  case tmuWeek : { int dd=1, mm=1, yy=1;
643  // week starts on Thursday, since 1.1.1970 is Thursday
644  const int Day = TJulianDate::GetJulianDateN(Time.tm_mday, Time.tm_mon+1, 1900+Time.tm_year);
645  TJulianDate::GetCalendarDate(3+7*(Day/7), dd, mm, yy); return TSecTm(yy, mm, dd, 0, 0, 0); }
646  default : Fail;
647  }
648  return TSecTm();
649 }
650 uint TSecTm::GetInUnits(const TTmUnit& TmUnit) const {
651  static const int DayZero = TJulianDate::GetJulianDateN(1, 1, 1970);
652  if (TmUnit == tmu1Sec) { return AbsSecs; }
653  struct tm Time;
654  IAssert(IsDef() && GetTmStruct(AbsSecs(), Time));
655  switch (TmUnit) {
656  case tmu1Min : return TSecTm(Time.tm_year+1900, Time.tm_mon+1, Time.tm_mday, Time.tm_hour, Time.tm_min, 0).GetAbsSecs()/60;
657  case tmu10Min : return TSecTm(Time.tm_year+1900, Time.tm_mon+1, Time.tm_mday, Time.tm_hour, 10*(Time.tm_min/10), 0).GetAbsSecs()/(10*60);
658  case tmu15Min : return TSecTm(Time.tm_year+1900, Time.tm_mon+1, Time.tm_mday, Time.tm_hour, 15*(Time.tm_min/15), 0).GetAbsSecs()/(15*60);
659  case tmu30Min : return TSecTm(Time.tm_year+1900, Time.tm_mon+1, Time.tm_mday, Time.tm_hour, 30*(Time.tm_min/30), 0).GetAbsSecs()/(30*60);
660  case tmu1Hour : return TSecTm(Time.tm_year+1900, Time.tm_mon+1, Time.tm_mday, Time.tm_hour, 0, 0).GetAbsSecs()/3600;
661  case tmu2Hour : return TSecTm(Time.tm_year+1900, Time.tm_mon+1, Time.tm_mday, 2*(Time.tm_hour/2), 0, 0).GetAbsSecs()/(2*3600);
662  case tmu4Hour : return TSecTm(Time.tm_year+1900, Time.tm_mon+1, Time.tm_mday, 4*(Time.tm_hour/4), 0, 0).GetAbsSecs()/(4*3600);
663  case tmu6Hour : return TSecTm(Time.tm_year+1900, Time.tm_mon+1, Time.tm_mday, 6*(Time.tm_hour/6), 0, 0).GetAbsSecs()/(6*3600);
664  case tmu12Hour : return TSecTm(Time.tm_year+1900, Time.tm_mon+1, Time.tm_mday, 12*(Time.tm_hour/12), 0, 0).GetAbsSecs()/(12*3600);
665  case tmuDay : return TJulianDate::GetJulianDateN(Time.tm_mday, Time.tm_mon+1, 1900+Time.tm_year) - DayZero;
666  case tmuWeek : return (TJulianDate::GetJulianDateN(Time.tm_mday, Time.tm_mon+1, 1900+Time.tm_year)-DayZero)/7;
667  case tmuMonth : return 12*(Time.tm_year-70)+Time.tm_mon+1;
668  case tmuYear : return Time.tm_year+1900;
669  default : Fail;
670  }
671  return TUInt::Mx;
672 }
675  const int Hour = GetHourN();
676  if (0 <= Hour && Hour < 6) { return "Night"; }
677  else if (6 <= Hour && Hour < 12) { return "Morning"; }
678  else if (12 <= Hour && Hour < 18) { return "Afternoon"; }
679  else if (18 <= Hour && Hour < 24) { return "Evening"; }
680  return "";
681 }
683 uint TSecTm::GetDSecs(const TSecTm& SecTm1, const TSecTm& SecTm2){
684  IAssert(SecTm1.IsDef()&&SecTm2.IsDef());
685  const time_t Time1= time_t(SecTm1.AbsSecs());
686  const time_t Time2= time_t(SecTm2.AbsSecs());
687  return uint(difftime(Time2, Time1));
688 }
691  TSecTm ZeroWeekTm=GetZeroTm();
692  while (ZeroWeekTm.GetDayOfWeekN()!=TTmInfo::MonN){
693  ZeroWeekTm.AddDays(1);}
694  return ZeroWeekTm;
695 }
698  const time_t TmSec = time(NULL);
699  struct tm LocTm;
700  uint AbsSec = TUInt::Mx;
701  #if defined(GLib_MSN)
702  localtime_s(&LocTm, &TmSec);
703  #elif defined(GLib_BCB)
704  LocTm = *localtime(&TmSec);
705  #else
706  LocTm = *localtime(&TmSec);
707  #endif
708  IAssert(TSecTm::GetTmSec(LocTm, AbsSec));
709  return TSecTm(AbsSec);
710 }
713  int HmsStrLen=HmsStr.Len();
714  // hour
715  TChA ChA; int ChN=0;
716  while ((ChN<HmsStrLen)&&(HmsStr[ChN]!=':')){ChA+=HmsStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
717  TStr HourStr=ChA;
718  // minute
719  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
720  while ((ChN<HmsStrLen)&&(HmsStr[ChN]!=':')){ChA+=HmsStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
721  TStr MinStr=ChA;
722  // second
723  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
724  while (ChN<HmsStrLen){ChA+=HmsStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
725  TStr SecStr=ChA;
726  // transform to numbers
727  int HourN=HourStr.GetInt();
728  int MinN=MinStr.GetInt();
729  int SecN=SecStr.GetInt();
730  // construct the time
732  Tm.AddHours(HourN);
733  Tm.AddMins(MinN);
734  Tm.AddSecs(SecN);
735  return Tm;
736 }
739  int MdyStrLen=MdyStr.Len();
740  // month
741  TChA ChA; int ChN=0;
742  while ((ChN<MdyStrLen)&&(MdyStr[ChN]!='/')){
743  ChA+=MdyStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
744  TStr MonthStr=ChA;
745  // day
746  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
747  while ((ChN<MdyStrLen)&&(MdyStr[ChN]!='/')){
748  ChA+=MdyStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
749  TStr DayStr=ChA;
750  // year
751  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
752  while (ChN<MdyStrLen){
753  ChA+=MdyStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
754  TStr YearStr=ChA;
755  // transform to numbers
756  int MonthN=MonthStr.GetInt();
757  int DayN=DayStr.GetInt();
758  int YearN=YearStr.GetInt();
759  if (YearN<1000){
760  if (YearN<70){YearN+=2000;} else {YearN+=1900;}}
761  // construct the date
762  return GetDtTm(YearN, MonthN, DayN);
763 }
765 // parse 28/03/03 and 28-MAY-03 formats
767  int DmyStrLen=DmyStr.Len();
768  // day
769  TChA ChA; int ChN=0;
770  while ((ChN<DmyStrLen)&&(DmyStr[ChN]!='/')&&(DmyStr[ChN]!='-')){
771  ChA+=DmyStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
772  TStr DayStr=ChA;
773  // month
774  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
775  while ((ChN<DmyStrLen)&&(DmyStr[ChN]!='/')&&(DmyStr[ChN]!='-')){
776  ChA+=DmyStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
777  TStr MonthStr=ChA;
778  // year
779  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
780  while (ChN<DmyStrLen){
781  ChA+=DmyStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
782  TStr YearStr=ChA;
783  // transform to numbers
784  int DayN=DayStr.GetInt(-1);
785  int MonthN=MonthStr.GetInt(-1);
786  int YearN=YearStr.GetInt(-1);
787  if (MonthN == -1){
788  MonthN = TTmInfo::GetMonthN(MonthStr.ToCap()); }
789  if ((DayN==-1)||(MonthN==-1)||(YearN==-1)){
790  return TSecTm();
791  } else {
792  if (YearN<1000){
793  if (YearN<70){YearN+=2000;} else {YearN+=1900;}}
794  // construct the date
795  return GetDtTm(YearN, MonthN, DayN);
796  }
797  return TSecTm();
798 }
801  const char& DateSepCh, const char& TimeSepCh){
802  int MdyHmsPmStrLen=MdyHmsPmStr.Len();
803  // month
804  TChA ChA; int ChN=0;
805  while ((ChN<MdyHmsPmStrLen)&&(MdyHmsPmStr[ChN]!=DateSepCh)){
806  ChA+=MdyHmsPmStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
807  TStr MonthStr=ChA;
808  // day
809  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
810  while ((ChN<MdyHmsPmStrLen)&&(MdyHmsPmStr[ChN]!=DateSepCh)){
811  ChA+=MdyHmsPmStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
812  TStr DayStr=ChA;
813  // year
814  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
815  while ((ChN<MdyHmsPmStrLen)&&(MdyHmsPmStr[ChN]!=' ')){
816  ChA+=MdyHmsPmStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
817  TStr YearStr=ChA;
818  // hour
819  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
820  while ((ChN<MdyHmsPmStrLen)&&(MdyHmsPmStr[ChN]!=TimeSepCh)){
821  ChA+=MdyHmsPmStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
822  TStr HourStr=ChA;
823  // minute
824  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
825  while ((ChN<MdyHmsPmStrLen)&&(MdyHmsPmStr[ChN]!=TimeSepCh)){
826  ChA+=MdyHmsPmStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
827  TStr MinStr=ChA;
828  // second
829  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
830  while ((ChN<MdyHmsPmStrLen)&&(MdyHmsPmStr[ChN]!=' ')){
831  ChA+=MdyHmsPmStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
832  TStr SecStr=ChA;
833  // AM/PM
834  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
835  while (ChN<MdyHmsPmStrLen){
836  ChA+=MdyHmsPmStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
837  TStr AmPmStr=ChA;
838  // transform to numbers
839  int MonthN=MonthStr.GetInt();
840  int DayN=DayStr.GetInt();
841  int YearN=YearStr.GetInt();
842  int HourN; int MinN; int SecN;
843  if (HourStr.IsInt()){
844  HourN=HourStr.GetInt();
845  MinN=MinStr.GetInt();
846  SecN=SecStr.GetInt();
847  if (AmPmStr=="AM"){} else if (AmPmStr=="PM"){HourN+=12;} else {Fail;}
848  } else {
849  HourN=0; MinN=0; SecN=0;
850  }
851  // construct the time
852  TSecTm Tm=TSecTm::GetDtTm(YearN, MonthN, DayN);
853  Tm.AddHours(HourN);
854  Tm.AddMins(MinN);
855  Tm.AddSecs(SecN);
856  return Tm;
857 }
860  const char& DateSepCh, const char& TimeSepCh){
861  int YmdHmsPmStrLen=YmdHmsPmStr.Len();
862  // year
863  TChA ChA; int ChN=0;
864  while ((ChN<YmdHmsPmStrLen)&&(YmdHmsPmStr[ChN]!=DateSepCh)){
865  ChA+=YmdHmsPmStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
866  TStr YearStr=ChA;
867  // month
868  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
869  while ((ChN<YmdHmsPmStrLen)&&(YmdHmsPmStr[ChN]!=DateSepCh)){
870  ChA+=YmdHmsPmStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
871  TStr MonthStr=ChA;
872  // day
873  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
874  while ((ChN<YmdHmsPmStrLen)&&(YmdHmsPmStr[ChN]!=' ')){
875  ChA+=YmdHmsPmStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
876  TStr DayStr=ChA;
877  // hour
878  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
879  while ((ChN<YmdHmsPmStrLen)&&(YmdHmsPmStr[ChN]!=TimeSepCh)){
880  ChA+=YmdHmsPmStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
881  TStr HourStr=ChA;
882  // minute
883  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
884  while ((ChN<YmdHmsPmStrLen)&&(YmdHmsPmStr[ChN]!=TimeSepCh)){
885  ChA+=YmdHmsPmStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
886  TStr MinStr=ChA;
887  // second
888  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
889  while (ChN<YmdHmsPmStrLen){
890  ChA+=YmdHmsPmStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
891  TStr SecStr=ChA;
892  // transform to numbers
893  int MonthN=MonthStr.GetInt();
894  int DayN=DayStr.GetInt();
895  int YearN=YearStr.GetInt();
896  int HourN; int MinN; int SecN;
897  if (HourStr.IsInt()){
898  HourN=HourStr.GetInt();
899  MinN=MinStr.GetInt();
900  SecN=SecStr.GetInt();
901  } else {
902  HourN=0; MinN=0; SecN=0;
903  }
904  // construct the time
905  TSecTm Tm=TSecTm::GetDtTm(YearN, MonthN, DayN);
906  Tm.AddHours(HourN);
907  Tm.AddMins(MinN);
908  Tm.AddSecs(SecN);
909  return Tm;
910 }
912 // Parse strings of the form 2006-08-28 14:11:16 or 14:11:16 08/28/2008
913 // Non-numeric characters act as separators (there can be many consecutive separating characters)
914 // Variables give indexes of the date fields
915 TSecTm TSecTm::GetDtTmFromStr(const TChA& YmdHmsPmStr, const int& YearId, const int& MonId,
916  const int& DayId, const int& HourId, const int& MinId, const int& SecId) {
917  TChA Tmp = YmdHmsPmStr;
918  TVec<char *> FldV;
919  // get the sequences of numbers
920  for (char *c = (char *) Tmp.CStr(); *c; c++) {
921  if (TCh::IsNum(*c)) {
922  FldV.Add(c);
923  while (TCh::IsNum(*c)) { c++; }
924  c--;
925  } else { *c = 0; }
926  }
927  const int Y = atoi(FldV[YearId]);
928  const int M = atoi(FldV[MonId]);
929  const int D = atoi(FldV[DayId]);
930  const int H = atoi(FldV[HourId]);
931  const int m = atoi(FldV[MinId]);
932  const int S = atoi(FldV[SecId]);
933  IAssert(Y>0 && M>0 && D>0 && M<13 && D<32);
934  IAssert(H>=0 && H<24 && m>=0 && m<60 && S>=0 && S<60);
935  return TSecTm(Y,M,D,H,m,S);
936 }
938 TSecTm TSecTm::GetDtTm(const int& YearN, const int& MonthN, const int& DayN){
939  uint AbsSecs;
940  TSecTm::GetTmSec(YearN, MonthN, DayN, 0, 0, 0, AbsSecs);
941  return TSecTm(AbsSecs);
942 }
945  int DaySecs=Tm.GetHourN()*3600+Tm.GetMinN()*60+Tm.GetSecN();
946  TSecTm DtTm(Tm.AbsSecs-DaySecs);
947  return DtTm;
948 }
951  return TSecTm(Lx.GetInt());
952 }
954 void TSecTm::SaveTxt(TOLx& Lx) const {
955  IAssert(int(AbsSecs) < TInt::Mx);
956  Lx.PutInt((int)AbsSecs);
957 }
960 // Date-Time
961 TStr TTm::GetStr(const bool& MSecP) const {
962  TChA ChA;
963  ChA+=TInt::GetStr(Year, "%04d"); ChA+='-';
964 // ChA+=GetMonthNm(); ChA+='-';
965  ChA+=TInt::GetStr(Month, "%02d"); ChA+='-';
966  ChA+=TInt::GetStr(Day, "%02d"); ChA+=' ';
967 // ChA+=GetDayOfWeekNm(); ChA+=' ';
968  ChA+=TInt::GetStr(Hour, "%02d"); ChA+=':';
969  ChA+=TInt::GetStr(Min, "%02d"); ChA+=':';
970  ChA+=TInt::GetStr(Sec, "%02d");
971  if (MSecP){ChA+='.'; ChA+=TInt::GetStr(MSec, "%03d");}
972  return ChA;
973 }
976  TChA ChA;
977  ChA+=TInt::GetStr(Year, "%04d");
978  ChA+='-'; ChA+=TInt::GetStr(Month, "%02d");
979  ChA+='-'; ChA+=TInt::GetStr(Day, "%02d");
980  return ChA;
981 }
983 TStr TTm::GetHMSTColonDotStr(const bool& FullP, const bool& MSecP) const {
984  TChA ChA;
985  ChA+=TInt::GetStr(Hour, "%02d");
986  ChA+=':'; ChA+=TInt::GetStr(Min, "%02d");
987  if (FullP||((Sec!=0)||(MSec!=0))){
988  ChA+=':'; ChA+=TInt::GetStr(Sec, "%02d");
989  if ((MSecP)&&(FullP||(MSec!=0))){
990  ChA+='.'; ChA+=TInt::GetStr(MSec, "%d");
991  }
992  }
993  return ChA;
994 }
997  TChA ChA;
998  ChA+=TInt::GetStr(Year%100, "%02d");
999  ChA+=TInt::GetStr(Month, "%02d");
1000  ChA+=TInt::GetStr(Day, "%02d");
1001  ChA+=TInt::GetStr(Hour, "%02d");
1002  ChA+=TInt::GetStr(Min, "%02d");
1003  ChA+=TInt::GetStr(Sec, "%02d");
1004  ChA+=TInt::GetStr(MSec, "%03d");
1005  return ChA;
1006 }
1009 void TTm::AddTime(const int& Hours,
1010  const int& Mins, const int& Secs, const int& MSecs){
1011  uint64 TmMSecs=TTm::GetMSecsFromTm(*this);
1012  TmMSecs+=(uint64(Hours)*uint64(3600)*uint64(1000));
1013  TmMSecs+=(uint64(Mins)*uint64(60)*uint64(1000));
1014  TmMSecs+=(uint64(Secs)*uint64(1000));
1015  TmMSecs+=uint64(MSecs);
1016  *this=GetTmFromMSecs(TmMSecs);
1017 }
1019 void TTm::SubTime(const int& Hours,
1020  const int& Mins, const int& Secs, const int& MSecs){
1021  uint64 TmMSecs=TTm::GetMSecsFromTm(*this);
1022  TmMSecs-=(uint64(Hours)*uint64(3600)*uint64(1000));
1023  TmMSecs-=(uint64(Mins)*uint64(60)*uint64(1000));
1024  TmMSecs-=(uint64(Secs)*uint64(1000));
1025  TmMSecs-=(uint64(MSecs));
1026  *this=GetTmFromMSecs(TmMSecs);
1027 }
1030  return TSysTm::GetCurUniTm();
1031 }
1034  static TTm LastUniqueTm=TSysTm::GetCurUniTm();
1035  TTm CurUniqueTm=TSysTm::GetCurUniTm();
1036  if (CurUniqueTm<LastUniqueTm){CurUniqueTm=LastUniqueTm;}
1037  if (CurUniqueTm==LastUniqueTm){CurUniqueTm.AddTime(0, 0, 0, 1);}
1038  LastUniqueTm=CurUniqueTm;
1039  return CurUniqueTm;
1040 }
1042 TTm TTm::GetUniqueCurUniTm(const int& UniqueSpaces, const int& UniqueSpaceN){
1043  static uint64 LastMUniqueTmMSecs=TSysTm::GetCurUniMSecs();
1044  // uniqueness-space-parameters range-check
1045  Assert(UniqueSpaces>=1&&UniqueSpaceN>=0&&UniqueSpaceN<UniqueSpaces);
1046  // get current time
1047  uint64 CurUniqueTmMSecs=TSysTm::GetCurUniMSecs();
1048  if (CurUniqueTmMSecs<LastMUniqueTmMSecs){CurUniqueTmMSecs=LastMUniqueTmMSecs;}
1049  // normalize to uniqueness-space-grid
1050  CurUniqueTmMSecs-=CurUniqueTmMSecs%UniqueSpaces; CurUniqueTmMSecs+=UniqueSpaceN;
1051  // get next free unique-time
1052  if (CurUniqueTmMSecs<=LastMUniqueTmMSecs){
1053  CurUniqueTmMSecs+=UniqueSpaces;
1054  }
1055  // update last-time
1056  LastMUniqueTmMSecs=CurUniqueTmMSecs;
1057  return GetTmFromMSecs(CurUniqueTmMSecs);
1058 }
1061  return TSysTm::GetCurLocTm();
1062 }
1065  return TSysTm::GetCurUniMSecs();
1066 }
1069  return TSysTm::GetCurLocMSecs();
1070 }
1073  return TSysTm::GetMSecsFromTm(Tm);
1074 }
1077  return TSysTm::GetTmFromMSecs(MSecs);
1078 }
1081  return TSysTm::GetMSecsFromOsStart();
1082 }
1085  return TSysTm::GetPerfTimerFq();
1086 }
1089  return TSysTm::GetPerfTimerTicks();
1090 }
1092 void TTm::GetDiff(const TTm& Tm1, const TTm& Tm2, int& Days,
1093  int& Hours, int& Mins, int& Secs, int& MSecs) {
1095  const uint64 DiffMSecs = TTm::GetDiffMSecs(Tm1, Tm2);
1096  const uint64 DiffSecs = DiffMSecs / 1000;
1097  const uint64 DiffMins = DiffSecs / 60;
1098  const uint64 DiffHours = DiffMins / 60;
1100  MSecs = int(DiffMSecs % 1000);
1101  Secs = int(DiffSecs % 60);
1102  Mins = int(DiffMins % 60);
1103  Hours = int(DiffHours % 24);
1104  Days = int((int)DiffHours / 24);
1105 }
1107 uint64 TTm::GetDiffMSecs(const TTm& Tm1, const TTm& Tm2){
1108  uint64 Tm1MSecs=GetMSecsFromTm(Tm1);
1109  uint64 Tm2MSecs=GetMSecsFromTm(Tm2);
1110  if (Tm1MSecs>Tm2MSecs){
1111  return Tm1MSecs-Tm2MSecs;
1112  } else {
1113  return Tm2MSecs-Tm1MSecs;
1114  }
1115 }
1118  return TSysTm::GetLocTmFromUniTm(Tm);
1119 }
1122  return TSysTm::GetUniTmFromLocTm(Tm);
1123 }
1126  const char TimeSepCh, const char MSecSepCh){
1127  int TimeStrLen=TimeStr.Len();
1128  // year
1129  TChA ChA; int ChN=0;
1130  while ((ChN<TimeStrLen)&&(TimeStr[ChN]!=TimeSepCh)){
1131  ChA+=TimeStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
1132  TStr HourStr=ChA;
1133  // minute
1134  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
1135  while ((ChN<TimeStrLen)&&(TimeStr[ChN]!=TimeSepCh)){
1136  ChA+=TimeStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
1137  TStr MinStr=ChA;
1138  // second
1139  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
1140  while ((ChN<TimeStrLen)&&(TimeStr[ChN]!=MSecSepCh)){
1141  ChA+=TimeStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
1142  TStr SecStr=ChA;
1143  // mili-second
1144  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
1145  while (ChN<TimeStrLen){
1146  ChA+=TimeStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
1147  TStr MSecStr=ChA;
1148  // transform to numbers
1149  int HourN=HourStr.GetInt(0);
1150  int MinN=MinStr.GetInt(0);
1151  int SecN=SecStr.GetInt(0);
1152  int MSecN=MSecStr.GetInt(0);
1153  // construct time
1154  TTm Tm(-1, -1, -1, -1, HourN, MinN, SecN, MSecN);
1155  // return time
1156  return Tm;
1157 }
1160  const char DateSepCh, const char TimeSepCh, const char MSecSepCh,
1161  const char DateTimeSepCh){
1162  int DateTimeStrLen=DateTimeStr.Len();
1163  // year
1164  TChA ChA; int ChN=0;
1165  while ((ChN<DateTimeStrLen)&&(DateTimeStr[ChN]!=DateSepCh)){
1166  ChA+=DateTimeStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
1167  TStr YearStr=ChA;
1168  // month
1169  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
1170  while ((ChN<DateTimeStrLen)&&(DateTimeStr[ChN]!=DateSepCh)){
1171  ChA+=DateTimeStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
1172  TStr MonthStr=ChA;
1173  // day
1174  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
1175  while ((ChN<DateTimeStrLen)&&(DateTimeStr[ChN]!=DateTimeSepCh)){
1176  ChA+=DateTimeStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
1177  TStr DayStr=ChA;
1178  // hour
1179  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
1180  while ((ChN<DateTimeStrLen)&&(DateTimeStr[ChN]!=TimeSepCh)){
1181  ChA+=DateTimeStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
1182  TStr HourStr=ChA;
1183  // minute
1184  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
1185  while ((ChN<DateTimeStrLen)&&(DateTimeStr[ChN]!=TimeSepCh)){
1186  ChA+=DateTimeStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
1187  TStr MinStr=ChA;
1188  // second
1189  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
1190  while ((ChN<DateTimeStrLen)&&(DateTimeStr[ChN]!=MSecSepCh)){
1191  ChA+=DateTimeStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
1192  TStr SecStr=ChA;
1193  // mili-second
1194  ChA.Clr(); ChN++;
1195  while (ChN<DateTimeStrLen){
1196  ChA+=DateTimeStr[ChN]; ChN++;}
1197  TStr MSecStr=ChA;
1198  // transform to numbers
1199  int YearN=YearStr.GetInt(-1);
1200  int MonthN=MonthStr.GetInt(-1);
1201  int DayN=DayStr.GetInt(-1);
1202  int HourN=HourStr.GetInt(0);
1203  int MinN=MinStr.GetInt(0);
1204  int SecN=SecStr.GetInt(0);
1205  int MSecN=MSecStr.GetInt(0);
1206  // construct time
1207  TTm Tm;
1208  if ((YearN!=-1)&&(MonthN!=-1)&&(DayN!=-1)){
1209  Tm=TTm(YearN, MonthN, DayN, -1, HourN, MinN, SecN, MSecN);
1210  }
1211  // return time
1212  return Tm;
1213 }
1216  // normalize
1217  TChA IdChA=IdStr;
1218  if (IdChA.Len()==14){
1219  IdChA.Ins(0, "0");}
1220  // check
1221  IAssert(IdChA.Len()==15);
1222  for (int ChN=0; ChN<IdChA.Len(); ChN++){
1223  IAssert(TCh::IsNum(IdChA[ChN]));}
1224  // extract parts
1225  int YearN=2000+(TStr(IdChA[0])+TStr(IdChA[1])).GetInt();
1226  int MonthN=(TStr(IdChA[2])+TStr(IdChA[3])).GetInt();
1227  int DayN=(TStr(IdChA[4])+TStr(IdChA[5])).GetInt();
1228  int HourN=(TStr(IdChA[6])+TStr(IdChA[7])).GetInt();
1229  int MinN=(TStr(IdChA[8])+TStr(IdChA[9])).GetInt();
1230  int SecN=(TStr(IdChA[10])+TStr(IdChA[11])).GetInt();
1231  int MSecN=(TStr(IdChA[12])+TStr(IdChA[13])+TStr(IdChA[14])).GetInt();
1232  TTm Tm=TTm(YearN, MonthN, DayN, -1, HourN, MinN, SecN, MSecN);
1233  return Tm;
1234 }
1236 uint TTm::GetDateTimeInt(const int& Year, const int& Month,
1237  const int& Day, const int& Hour, const int& Min, const int& Sec) {
1239  return TSecTm(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec).GetAbsSecs();
1240 }
1243  return Tm.IsDef() ? GetDateTimeInt(Tm.GetYear(), Tm.GetMonth(), Tm.GetDay()) : 0;
1244 }
1247  return Tm.IsDef() ? GetDateTimeInt(Tm.GetYear(), Tm.GetMonth()) : 0;
1248 }
1251  return Tm.IsDef() ? GetDateTimeInt(Tm.GetYear()) : 0;
1252 }
1255  return Tm.IsDef() ?
1256  GetDateTimeInt(Tm.GetYear(), Tm.GetMonth(),
1257  Tm.GetDay(), Tm.GetHour(), Tm.GetMin(), Tm.GetSec()) : 0;
1258 }
1260 TTm TTm::GetTmFromDateTimeInt(const uint& DateTimeInt) {
1261  if (DateTimeInt == 0) { return TTm(); }
1262  return TTm(TSecTm(DateTimeInt));
1263 }
1266  if (DateTimeInt == 0) { return TSecTm(); }
1267  return TSecTm(DateTimeInt);
1268 }
1271 // Time-Profiler - poor-man's profiler
1272 int TTmProfiler::AddTimer(const TStr& TimerNm) {
1273  MxNmLen = TInt::GetMx(MxNmLen, TimerNm.Len());
1274  return TimerH.AddKey(TimerNm);
1275 }
1278  int TimerId = GetTimerIdFFirst();
1279  while (GetTimerIdFNext(TimerId)) {
1280  ResetTimer(TimerId);
1281  }
1282 }
1285  double Sum = 0.0;
1286  int TimerId = GetTimerIdFFirst();
1287  while (GetTimerIdFNext(TimerId)) {
1288  Sum += GetTimerSec(TimerId);
1289  }
1290  return Sum;
1291 }
1293 double TTmProfiler::GetTimerSec(const int& TimerId) const {
1294  return TimerH[TimerId].GetSec();
1295 }
1297 void TTmProfiler::PrintReport(const TStr& ProfileNm) const {
1298  const double TimerSumSec = GetTimerSumSec();
1299  printf("-- %s --\n", ProfileNm.CStr());
1300  printf("Sum: (%.2f sec):\n", TimerSumSec);
1301  int TimerId = GetTimerIdFFirst();
1302  while (GetTimerIdFNext(TimerId)) {
1303  // get timer name
1304  TStr TimerNm = GetTimerNm(TimerId);
1305  TimerNm = TStr::GetSpaceStr(TimerNm.Len() - MxNmLen) + TimerNm;
1306  // get timer time and precentage
1307  if (TimerSumSec > 0.0) {
1308  const double TimerSec = GetTimerSec(TimerId);
1309  const double TimerPerc = TimerSec / TimerSumSec * 100.0;
1310  printf(" %s: %.2fs [%.2f%%]\n", TimerNm.CStr(), TimerSec, TimerPerc);
1311  } else {
1312  printf(" %s: -\n", TimerNm.CStr());
1313  }
1314  }
1315  printf("--\n");
1316 }
#define IAssert(Cond)
Definition: bd.h:262
double GetTimerSec(const int &TimerId) const
Definition: tm.cpp:1293
void GetComps(int &Year, int &Month, int &Day, int &Hour, int &Min, int &Sec) const
Definition: tm.cpp:614
int GetInt() const
Definition: dt.h:581
int GetMin() const
Definition: tm.h:282
static TStrV UsMonthNmV
Definition: tm.h:24
TStr GetYmdTmStr2() const
Definition: tm.cpp:514
static TStrV SiDayOfWeekNmV
Definition: tm.h:27
TInt MSec
Definition: tm.h:216
bool GetTimerIdFNext(int &TimerId) const
Definition: tm.h:414
int GetMinN() const
Definition: tm.cpp:602
TStr GetStr() const
Definition: dt.h:1200
static TStr GetSpaceStr(const int &Spaces)
Definition: dt.cpp:1608
static TSecTm GetDtTmFromStr(const TChA &YmdHmsPmStr, const int &YearId=0, const int &MonId=1, const int &DayId=2, const int &HourId=3, const int &MinId=4, const int &SecId=5)
Definition: tm.cpp:915
static void GetCalendarDate(int jdn, int &dd, int &mm, int &yy)
Definition: tm.cpp:327
TSecTm & AddDays(const int &Days)
Definition: tm.h:168
static TSecTm GetDtTmFromYmdHmsStr(const TStr &YmdHmsPmStr, const char &DateSepCh='-', const char &TimeSepCh=':')
Definition: tm.cpp:859
int Len() const
Definition: dt.h:490
static uint64 GetCurLocMSecs()
Definition: tm.cpp:1068
static void InitDayOfWeekNmV()
Definition: tm.cpp:24
bool IsInt(const bool &Check, const int &MnVal, const int &MxVal, int &Val) const
Definition: dt.cpp:1159
static uint GetDateIntFromTm(const TTm &Tm)
Definition: tm.cpp:1242
void Ins(const int &BChN, const char *CStr)
Definition: dt.cpp:407
double GetTimerSumSec() const
Definition: tm.cpp:1284
int GetMonth() const
Definition: tm.h:276
static bool IsNum(const char &Ch)
Definition: dt.h:1067
static void GetDiff(const TTm &Tm1, const TTm &Tm2, int &Days, int &Hours, int &Mins, int &Secs, int &MSecs)
Definition: tm.cpp:1092
static int GetJulianDateN(int d, int m, int y)
Definition: tm.cpp:303
static void EnsureInit()
Definition: tm.h:30
static void InitMonthNmV()
Definition: tm.cpp:9
Definition: tm.h:13
Definition: tm.h:13
int GetYearN() const
Definition: tm.cpp:560
bool IsDef() const
Definition: tm.h:123
Definition: tm.h:12
static const uint Mx
Definition: dt.h:1247
TStr GetYMDDashStr() const
Definition: tm.cpp:975
static TTm GetUniTmFromLocTm(const TTm &Tm)
Definition: tm.cpp:1121
static TSecTm GetDtTmFromHmsStr(const TStr &HmsStr)
Definition: tm.cpp:712
static int LastJulianDate
Definition: tm.h:71
unsigned int uint
Definition: bd.h:11
static int GetMx(const int &Int1, const int &Int2)
Definition: dt.h:1185
static uint64 GetCurUniMSecs()
Definition: tm.cpp:1064
void ResetAll()
Definition: tm.cpp:1277
static const int Mx
Definition: dt.h:1142
#define Fail
Definition: bd.h:238
int GetDayOfWeekN() const
Definition: tm.cpp:584
static PXmlTok New()
Definition: xml.h:212
void Clr()
Definition: dt.h:258
TInt Day
Definition: tm.h:215
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:575
Definition: tm.h:14
TSecTm & AddMins(const int &Mins)
Definition: tm.h:160
static int GetTmUnitSecs(const TTmUnit &TmUnit)
Definition: tm.cpp:85
static TTm GetCurUniTm()
Definition: tm.cpp:1029
void PutInt(const TInt &Int)
Definition: lx.h:277
PXmlTok GetXmlTok() const
Definition: tm.cpp:446
static uint GetDateTimeIntFromTm(const TTm &Tm)
Definition: tm.cpp:1254
TStr GetDtYmdStr() const
Definition: tm.cpp:502
int Len() const
Definition: dt.h:259
Definition: tm.h:13
static const int JanN
Definition: tm.h:53
int GetInt()
Definition: lx.h:181
uint GetInUnits(const TTmUnit &TmUnit) const
Definition: tm.cpp:650
void SaveTxt(TOLx &Lx) const
Definition: tm.cpp:954
Definition: tm.h:13
static const int OctN
Definition: tm.h:57
TStr GetTmMinStr() const
Definition: tm.cpp:530
static const int JulN
Definition: tm.h:56
static uint GetDateTimeInt(const int &Year=0, const int &Month=0, const int &Day=1, const int &Hour=0, const int &Min=0, const int &Sec=0)
Definition: tm.cpp:1236
static uint64 GetDiffMSecs(const TTm &Tm1, const TTm &Tm2)
Definition: tm.cpp:1107
static TTm GetTmFromDateTimeInt(const uint &DateTimeInt)
Definition: tm.cpp:1260
static TTm GetTmFromWebLogDateTimeStr(const TStr &DateTimeStr, const char DateSepCh='-', const char TimeSepCh=':', const char MSecSepCh='.', const char DateTimeSepCh=' ')
Definition: tm.cpp:1159
TInt Sec
Definition: tm.h:216
TStr & ToCap()
Definition: dt.cpp:764
TStr GetDtTmSortFNmStr() const
Definition: tm.cpp:550
int GetHour() const
Definition: tm.h:281
int GetMonthN() const
Definition: tm.cpp:566
TInt Min
Definition: tm.h:216
static TSecTm GetDtTmFromDmyStr(const TStr &DmyStr)
Definition: tm.cpp:766
TStr GetIdStr() const
Definition: tm.cpp:996
Definition: tm.h:12
Definition: tm.h:12
static TSecTm GetSecTmFromDateTimeInt(const uint &DateTimeInt)
Definition: tm.cpp:1265
Definition: tm.h:13
static const int NovN
Definition: tm.h:58
Definition: tm.h:14
static const int AprN
Definition: tm.h:54
static TStr GetDayOfWeekNm(const int &DayOfWeekN, const TLoc &Loc=lUs)
Definition: tm.cpp:71
static TSecTm GetDtTmFromMdyStr(const TStr &MdyStr)
Definition: tm.cpp:738
Definition: bd.h:63
static const int ThuN
Definition: tm.h:49
Definition: tm.h:92
static bool InitP
Definition: tm.h:23
int GetYear() const
Definition: tm.h:275
int AddTimer(const TStr &TimerNm)
Definition: tm.cpp:1272
static uint GetYearIntFromTm(const TTm &Tm)
Definition: tm.cpp:1250
static bool GetTmSec(const int &YearN, const int &MonthN, const int &DayN, const int &HourN, const int &MinN, const int &SecN, uint &AbsSec)
Definition: tm.cpp:363
TInt Hour
Definition: tm.h:216
static TTm GetTmFromIdStr(const TStr &IdStr)
Definition: tm.cpp:1215
char * CStr()
Definition: dt.h:255
static const int MayN
Definition: tm.h:55
Definition: tm.h:218
TInt Month
Definition: tm.h:215
void PrintReport(const TStr &ProfileNm="") const
Definition: tm.cpp:1297
unsigned long long uint64
Definition: bd.h:38
Definition: bd.h:63
int GetDay() const
Definition: tm.h:278
int GetTimerIdFFirst() const
Definition: tm.h:413
Definition: lx.h:129
uint GetAbsSecs() const
Definition: tm.h:150
int GetSecN() const
Definition: tm.cpp:608
#define Assert(Cond)
Definition: bd.h:251
Definition: lx.h:251
static const int SepN
Definition: tm.h:57
int GetHourN() const
Definition: tm.cpp:596
bool IsDef() const
Definition: tm.h:265
void AddArg(const TStr &ArgNm, const bool &ArgVal)
Definition: xml.h:252
int GetDayN() const
Definition: tm.cpp:578
int GetIntArgVal(const TStr &ArgNm, const int &DfVal=0) const
Definition: xml.cpp:1109
static uint GetMSecsFromOsStart()
Definition: tm.cpp:1080
TStr GetLc() const
Definition: dt.h:502
static TStrV UsDayOfWeekNmV
Definition: tm.h:26
static time_t MkGmTime(struct tm *t)
Definition: tm.cpp:380
Definition: tm.h:14
static uint64 GetPerfTimerTicks()
Definition: tm.cpp:1088
static TTm GetCurLocTm()
Definition: tm.cpp:1060
static TStr GetNullStr()
Definition: dt.cpp:1626
static const int DecN
Definition: tm.h:58
TStr GetDayOfWeekNm(const TLoc &Loc=lUs) const
Definition: tm.cpp:590
TInt Year
Definition: tm.h:215
Definition: tm.h:213
TSecTm & AddSecs(const int &Secs)
Definition: tm.h:156
Definition: dt.h:201
#define EAssert(Cond)
Definition: bd.h:280
Definition: dt.h:1242
static TStr GetMonthNm(const int &MonthN, const TLoc &Loc=lUs)
Definition: tm.cpp:50
TUInt AbsSecs
Definition: tm.h:83
static TSecTm GetZeroWeekTm()
Definition: tm.cpp:690
Definition: tm.h:81
static TSecTm GetDtTm(const int &YearN, const int &MonthN, const int &DayN)
Definition: tm.cpp:938
static TStrV SiMonthNmV
Definition: tm.h:25
int AddKey(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:373
TInt MxNmLen
Definition: tm.h:402
Definition: tm.h:12
static TStr GetTmZoneDiffStr(const TStr &TmZoneStr)
Definition: tm.cpp:131
static TSecTm LoadTxt(TILx &Lx)
Definition: tm.cpp:950
TStr GetTimerNm(const int &TimerId) const
Definition: tm.h:411
static TStr GetTmUnitStr(const TTmUnit &TmUnit)
Definition: tm.cpp:108
int GetSec() const
Definition: tm.h:283
TStr GetDtTmSortStr() const
Definition: tm.cpp:540
static uint GetMonthIntFromTm(const TTm &Tm)
Definition: tm.cpp:1246
TStr GetMonthNm(const TLoc &Loc=lUs) const
Definition: tm.cpp:572
Definition: dt.h:412
static TTm GetUniqueCurUniTm()
Definition: tm.cpp:1033
static TTm GetTmFromWebLogTimeStr(const TStr &TimeStr, const char TimeSepCh=':', const char MSecSepCh='.')
Definition: tm.cpp:1125
TStr GetStr(const TLoc &Loc=lUs) const
Definition: tm.cpp:457
static TStr Fmt(const char *FmtStr,...)
Definition: dt.cpp:1599
static const int FriN
Definition: tm.h:49
static const int WedN
Definition: tm.h:48
static int GetMonthN(const TStr &MonthNm, const TLoc &Loc=lUs)
Definition: tm.cpp:39
TStr GetDtStr(const TLoc &Loc=lUs) const
Definition: tm.cpp:484
TSizeTy SearchForw(const TVal &Val, const TSizeTy &BValN=0) const
Returns the position of an element with value Val.
Definition: ds.h:1552
static const int AugN
Definition: tm.h:56
#define EAssertR(Cond, MsgStr)
Definition: bd.h:283
void ResetTimer(const TStr &TimerNm)
Definition: tm.h:423
TStr GetHMSTColonDotStr(const bool &FullP=false, const bool &MSecP=true) const
Definition: tm.cpp:983
static TSecTm GetCurTm()
Definition: tm.cpp:697
TStr GetTmStr() const
Definition: tm.cpp:520
static TTm GetTmFromMSecs(const uint64 &MSecs)
Definition: tm.cpp:1076
Definition: bd.h:63
static uint GetDSecs(const TSecTm &SecTm1, const TSecTm &SecTm2)
Definition: tm.cpp:683
THash< TStr, TTmStopWatch > TimerH
Definition: tm.h:403
uint Val
Definition: dt.h:1244
void AddTime(const int &Hours, const int &Mins=0, const int &Secs=0, const int &MSecs=0)
Definition: tm.cpp:1009
Definition: tm.h:12
static TSecTm GetDtTmFromMdyHmsPmStr(const TStr &MdyHmsPmStr, const char &DateSepCh='/', const char &TimeSepCh=':')
Definition: tm.cpp:800
Definition: tm.h:13
static int GetDayOfWeekN(const TStr &DayOfWeekNm, const TLoc &Loc=lUs)
Definition: tm.cpp:60
TStr GetDayPart() const
Definition: tm.cpp:674
static const int SunN
Definition: tm.h:47
static uint64 GetPerfTimerFq()
Definition: tm.cpp:1084
char * CStr()
Definition: dt.h:479
Definition: tm.h:11
TStr GetYmdTmStr() const
Definition: tm.cpp:508
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:602
static const int MonN
Definition: tm.h:47
TStr GetStr(const bool &MSecP=true) const
Definition: tm.cpp:961
TSecTm & AddHours(const int &Hours)
Definition: tm.h:164
void SubTime(const int &Hours, const int &Mins=0, const int &Secs=0, const int &MSecs=0)
Definition: tm.cpp:1019
static uint64 GetMSecsFromTm(const TTm &Tm)
Definition: tm.cpp:1072
static TStr GetHmFromMins(const int &Mins)
Definition: tm.cpp:81
static const int FebN
Definition: tm.h:53
static const int MarN
Definition: tm.h:54
static const int TueN
Definition: tm.h:48
TStr GetDtMdyStr() const
Definition: tm.cpp:496
static const int JunN
Definition: tm.h:55
static int LastJulianDateN
Definition: tm.h:72
static TTm GetLocTmFromUniTm(const TTm &Tm)
Definition: tm.cpp:1117
Definition: tm.h:14
TSecTm Round(const TTmUnit &TmUnit) const
Definition: tm.cpp:625
Definition: tm.h:13
static bool GetTmStruct(const uint &AbsSec, struct tm &Tm)
Definition: tm.cpp:416
static const int SatN
Definition: tm.h:50
static TSecTm GetZeroTm()
Definition: tm.h:187